How To Embed Google Calendar in Notion

Sync Google Calendar and get event details in the dashboard.

How To Embed Google Calendar widget in Notion

Staying organized and on top of your schedule is crucial, but juggling multiple apps can be a headache. If you use Google Calendar for your schedule but rely on Notion for notes and project management, it can be frustrating not having everything in one place.

Embedding your Google Calendar directly in Notion bridges this gap, giving you a centralized hub for schedules and tasks. 

In this article, I’ll walk through the quick and easy process to connect Google Calendar with Notion. We’ll also look at a method to set up two-way syncing between the apps.

How to Embed Google Calendar in Notion?

Notion doesn’t let you directly integrate Google Calendar in a way that allows adding new events. However, you can embed your Google Calendar to view upcoming events right in Notion.

The default embed option doesn’t look good. This is where a widget like Indify can come in handy.

If you need two-way sync, you can use a paid tool like Notion Automations. You can use it to sync Notion and Google Calendar and add events from either side.

Let’s take a closer look at all three methods.

Embedding your Google Calendar into Notion is super easy using the embed block, just like adding any other embedded content.

  1. Head to Google Calendar and next to the calendar you want to embed, click the three dots to open the options menu.
Click on three dots on a Google calendar you want to embed
  1. In the menu, select Settings and sharing to open the settings page.
open calendar settings and sharing
  1. Scroll down and check the box for Make Available to Public – just be aware this makes your calendar visible to everyone. Click Ok on the warning popup if you’re okay with that.
make calendar available to public
  1. In the Integrate Calendar section, copy the public URL for your calendar.
Copy the Google calendar link
  1. Now go into Notion and add a new embed block. Paste in the Google Calendar embed link you just copied and hit enter.
add embed block in Notion

That’s it! Your Google Calendar events should now show right in Notion.

Google Calendar added in Notion

Let’s now see the second method which lets you privately embed Google Calendar in Notion.

2. Embed Google Calendar Privately With Customization Options

If you don’t want to make your Google Calendar public and instead want to embed it privately, the Indify widget is a great option.

It not only lets you just embed the calendar but also comes with some customization options to change text color and make your widget dark mode compatible.

Let’s see how to add Google Calendar using the Indify Notion widget.

Indify widget Sign up with Google
  1. Go to the Indify website and under Volume 1 Widgets, find the Google Calendar widget. Click Create Widget.
Indify add Google Calendar widget
  1. You’ll need to log into your Google account and give Indify permission to access your calendar. 
Indify widget log in to Google account
  1. Tick all options so the widget can pull in your calendar and then click on the Continue button.
Give permission to indify widget
  1. Once logged in, you can close the popup. Your Google Calendar will load in the Indify dashboard for customizing the widget. Play around with the various customization settings located on the sidebar to get the visual look you want. Some options require Indify Pro which is $4/month.
  2. When you’re happy with how the widget looks, click the clipboard icon to copy the widget link.
Indify widget customization
  1. Head to Notion and add an embed block where you want the calendar. Paste in the Indify widget link and hit Enter. You can change between different calendar views as you prefer.
indify widget added to Notion

That embeds your private Google Calendar into Notion! The Indify widget gives you a ton of customization options beyond basic embedding. With just a few clicks, you can make your calendar fit right into your Notion workspace.

Now let’s explore a third option that enables true two-way syncing between Notion and Google Calendar.

3. Embed Google Calendar with Two Way Sync

With this method, any changes made in Notion will automatically show up in Google Calendar. And any updates made in Google Calendar will sync to Notion. This allows for seamless calendar management from both platforms.

The embed-only options are handy for viewing your calendar in Notion. But two-way syncing takes it a step further for complete integration. This gives you the flexibility to add, edit, or delete events in either Notion or Google Calendar and have everything stay perfectly in sync.

For this method, we’ll be using Notion Automations which costs just $9/month. But don’t let the price tag stop you from trying it out. This tool is an absolute game-changer that will save you tons of time and headaches.

Notion Automations

Follow the below steps to connect Notion and Google Calendar:

  1. First, create an account on the Notion Automations site. Once logged in, select the Google Calendar integration option.
Select the Google Calendar option
  1. Click Connect Google Calendar and allow access so the service can pull in your calendar. Notion Automation will give you a list of calendars that are connected to your account. You can connect multiple calendars if you want or just continue to the next step.
Connect Notion Automations to Google Calendar
  1. Next, connect your Notion account by clicking Connect with Notion and allowing access.
Connect Notion Automations with Notion
  1. Next, you can choose to use a template provided by the developer or use your own. For this tutorial, I’ll stick with the template provided by the developer and click the Allow access button.
use a template provided by Notion automation
  1. The template will be duplicated to your Notion account in private mode and the Main database will be selected by default. Click Continue to move to the next step.
Notion database connected to Notion automations
  1. Choose whether you want 2-way sync or one-way sync from Notion or Google. Below that, map database fields between the services. The defaults work if you used the template or you can select each field manually if you’re using a custom database.
choose sync direction and do field mapping
  1. You can also set filters to control which entries sync over. For example, you can set to ignore items not from Google Calendar.
add filter not to sync entries other than google calendar
  1. Next, you can choose to add default values like icons to Google Calendar events created from Notion.
add default icon to google calendar entries
  1. The last question is whether or not you want to link the Notion page to your Google Calendar event. I’m going to click yes and then continue to the last step, which is testing the synchronization.
add Notion page link to Google calendar description
  1. Click Test Synchronization and give it a minute to run.
test syncronization
  1. When it’s successful, you’ll see a confirmation with the number of events synced. Click Continue to move to the last step.
google calendar sync completed
  1. The last step is to subscribe to a plan. The plan starts at $9/month when subscribed monthly or you can get a discount when you subscribe to the annual plan.
complete the payment to start using Notion automations

That’s all! With just a few clicks, you can enable automatic 2-way sync between Google Calendar and Notion.

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  • This is a big help, thank you for making this article!

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